Tuesday, April 17, 2012

My stomach upset again..problem stomach cannot digest well, throw out whatever I ate. Whole night cannot sleep well so early this morning I went to Bedok Polyclinic to see doctor. The waiting time is not too long to take the queue number but to wait to see the doctor takes me 1hr 45min. Is was not very crowded today but the doctor was damn slow . Don't know what the doctor doing after the patient came out from the room it takes about 5-10mins for the next patient to see her. I notice one patient whose queue no is 8 patient behind me while in the queue to take the number to see the doctor has already went into the next room to see another doctor and left to get his medicine but I an still waiting to see my doctor. I waited till around 11.40 then get to see the Doctor. Once I went in she is like machine gun asking me - What's the problem with you, any fever , any flu, any urine, any poo? Within 3mins I was out of the room What is this, is she rushing for lunch..xyz..this doctor are very young should be those Yankee's whose just graduate and attach to polyclinic to do their practise..

Angrryyyyyyyyyyy... decide to go home and made some bread .. so I can knead and squeezee the dough to release my anger hahahaha...

Green Tea Red Bean Loaf

Tangzhong (汤种)Ingredient:

100g Bread flour
500g water


  1. In a mixing bowl mix the flour and water over low fire, keep stirling until it reach 65°C then switch it off.  
  2. Use plastic wrap to cover the dough to prevent the top layer dry up and let it cool down before use.

237g   Bread Flour
1Tbsp Milk Powder
3g       Green Tea Powder
30g     Sugar
3g       Salt
5g       Yeast
100g   Milk
78g     Tang Zhong (汤种)
25g     Butter
100g   Red Bean


  1. Mix all the ingredients in a mixing bowl except salt, butter and red bean. 
  2. Mix to a dough then add in salt, butter and mix to a soft dough then add in red bean and beat at low speed for 10 sec. 
  3. Take out the dough and shape it round and cover a plastic wrap and let it proof for the 1st time to doubled in size. (Picture 1)
  4. When the dough has proof to double in size divide the dough to 2 and shape into a round shape and proof for the 2nd time for another 15mins 20mins. (Picture 2)
  5. Flatten the dough and roll into a loaf(Picture 3), put into the loaf tin (Picture 4)and let it proof for the last time to double size..and cover the loaf tin(Picture 6). 
  6. Bake at 180°C for 30mins, immediately remove the bread from the loaf tin once out from the oven. 
  7. Let it cool and slice to serve. 

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